Exploration History of the MC claims (Dalhousie/Rock of Ages Property) and Oldtimer claim (Outland Silver Bar Property)

Exploration History of the Dalhousie/Rock of Ages Property

Mineral claims were originally staked on the Dalhousie/Rock of Ages property in 1910. The Dalhousie claims and the adjoining Rock of Ages claims were originally held by different owners however, in 1925 the newly incorporated Dalhousie Mining Company combined both groups of claims into one property. In the 1920’s the price of gold was $20/oz and the price of silver was $0.65/oz.

In the Ministry of Mines Annual Reports for 1920 – 1922 the property is reported under the name Aztec Group and in the 1925-1927 Ministry of Mines Annual Reports the property is reported under the name Dalhousie Mining Co. Ltd.

Exploration programs were conducted on the Dalhousie claims during 1920 –1922 that resulted in the discovery of two veins named the Iron vein and the Copper vein.

The 1920 Ministry of Mines Annual Report reported “an open cut was excavated on the Iron vein at an elevation of 2300 feet which showed the vein to be 9 feet wide and composed of very heavily pyritized quartz containing a little chalcopyrite. An average sample across the vein assayed $4.80/ton in gold, 0.8 oz/ton silver and 1.3% copper. The vein has again been exposed farther down the hill.”

“The Copper vein crops out higher up the hill, the gangue consisting of a breccia of quartz and greenstone county rock, mineralized with iron and copper sulfides, with a little magnetite showing in places. The first outcrop is at 2000 feet elevation showing a vein width of 3 feet, across which a sample assayed $1.40 in gold, 2.3 oz/t silver and 0.30% copper.”

“About 40 feet beyond this and higher up the mineralization is about 6 feet wide, of which about 1 foot on either side is fairly solid iron and copper sulfides, a picked sample assaying a trace in gold and 16% copper. About 150 feet farther along on the vein it is about 2 ½ feet wide of fairly solid sulfides, which assayed 2.2 oz/ton silver and 3.2% copper. There are outcroppings again at 3000 feet elevation of apparently the same vein. At 3,850 feet elevation, the highest showing, an open cut 12 feet long shows a width of 2 feet of 13% copper ore and is the best showing so far on the vein.”

“This is a promising vein that could easily be opened up by drifting and together with the Iron vein makes the property worth examination.”

The 1926 Ministry of Mines Annual Report reported “” On the Dalhousie Group there are two Iron veins and a Copper vein on each of which a little work has been done.”

“The No. 1 Iron vein strikes into the hill at S 80 W and dips from 50 to 55 degrees to the south. Two open cuts have been put across this vein at 2,575 and 2,650 feet elevations respectively. A tunnel has been started at the lower cut on the hanging wall side. Below the lower cut the bluffs are very precipitous and the vein has not been traced any lower.

At the lower cut the mineralization shows a width of 20 feet or more and appears to run in bands diagonally across the vein. The mineralization is heavy pyrite, with which is associated some chalcopyrite, in a siliceous gangue. Samples across from 8 feet to 15 feet in width gave $12/ton in gold, silver and copper values, which would make fair milling ore. The upper cut shows a vein width of 9 feet of well pyritized siliceous gangue that would concentrate probably 4 or 5 into 1.”

The No.2 Iron vein strikes N 40 E and stands almost perpendicularly. An open cut on it in the big canyon shows some pyrite, but better ore was found just above the camp where the vein runs out of the hill. Discoveries of good ore were made higher up, which future work may prove important.”

“On the Rock of Ages group, at 4,000 feet elevation, there is an outcrop of siliceous greenstone carrying zinc blende and galena across a width of at least 20 feet, which will probably prove wider when broken into. It strikes magnetic north-south and dips westerly at about 75 degrees. There appears to be more galena on the hanging wall side. An independent sampling gave $12/ton across 25 feet in gold, silver, lead and zinc. This vein is certainly worth opening up. Farther north a cropping of another vein shows native silver, but not enough work has been done to indicate the width or continuity of the showing.”

The 1927 Ministry of Mines Annual Report reported “During the past Summer, the Company had driven a total of 110 feet of drift and crosscut on the No. 1 vein zone in an attempt to determine its width, continuity and values underground.”

“The vein, which is a silicified zone in the greenstones containing considerable pyrite and a small amount of chalcopyrite, has been exposed by surface trenching at two points. These indicate that the vein crosses the hill at a very sharp angle, striking about magnetic N 70 W and dipping rather steeply to the south.”

“The lower of the two cuts, just above the portal of the tunnel, shows the mineralization to be upwards of a score of feet wide and it is said to run about $8.00/ton in copper and gold, chiefly the latter. The upper cut is some 50 feet higher and exposes 7 or 8 feet of well-mineralized ground. A sample at this point assayed 0.10 oz/t gold, 1.4 oz/ton silver and 1% copper. A few feet south of this cut is another small vein said to contain good values in gold.”

“The drift on No. 1 vein was started just below the lower cut on the hanging wall side of the vein.”

“On the hillside just above the camp and extending for some distance along the hill side is a line of cuts on what is referred to as the No. 2 vein. Only one of these cuts was visited, the one directly behind the camp and some 200 feet above it, where a tunnel ahs been faced off and driven a few feet along the vein. The apparent strike at this point is northeasterly and the dip is nearly vertical.

The other exposures said to be on this vein would indicate a north south strike. It is quite possible that more than one vein is represented by the series of outcrops and open cuts. The vein where examined is a silicified zone in greenstones mineralized with vein quartz, pyrite magnetite and some chalcopyrite.”

“Above and a little south of the No.1 vein zone, a broad belt of mineralization made conspicuous by its numerous iron stained croppings, crosses the mountain in a northwesterly direction. Approaching the zone from the north, at an elevation of 3,200 feet, there is first a silicified zone in the greenstone, about 3 feet wide, well mineralized with pyrite and chalcopyrite. The vein is almost parallel to No. 1 vein striking about N 70 W and dipping at 50 degrees to the south. A 3 foot sample assayed 0.80 oz/ton gold, 1.2 oz/ton silver and 2.3% copper. A short distance uphill, across a rubble covered bench, are two rusty croppings, either one of which might be the continuation of the vein, or they might represent separate lenses.”

“Some 50 yards south of the showings just mentioned a 30 foot granite dike is found in the middle of the broad belt of mineralization. It is flanked on either side by a series of irregular and lens shaped zones of silicified ground, mineralized with pyrite and some chalcopyrite. Very little surface work has been done on these exposures. On following the zone northwesterly up the mountain it is found to merge into an extensive area of brightly stained schist. This however is not silicified and probably does not contain values of any kind.”

“At the head of the big gulch above the iron stained schist and at about 4,100 feet elevation is the south end of a north-south vein, known as No. 4 vein. It dips westerly into the hill at about 75 degrees and is apparently parallel to the bedding, for it follows the lower side of a narrow band of limestone. The vein is mineralized with pyrite, some chalcopyrite, and in places with more or less sphalerite.”

The 1936 Ministry of Mines Annual Report reported on the Palmey claims “ This group of eleven claims and fractions are located on the steep easterly slope of Mount Stevenson between about elevation 2,300 feet (700 m) and 6,000 feet (1,829 m), and adjoin the Dalhousie group on the east. To the west the group abuts on the ice field covering the crest of the Bear River ridge.”

“The mineral deposit consists of three main quartz replacement zones from 2 to 15 feet wide. These strike northwesterly and dip southwesterly and outcrop mainly in the tuff and slate formation, but the two most northerly zones converge towards each other and possibly junction at elevation 4,800 feet (1,463 m).”

“With the exception of the occurrence at the highest elevation in porphyritic granodiorite, the mineralized zones are best developed in the tuffs and quartzitic slate. Locally, quartz stringers of a few inches to about 2 feet in width branch from the main zones. Mineralization consists of sphalerite, galena, pyrite and locally some chalcopyrite, in irregular patches, blebs and seams in a quartzose gangue.”

“The most northerly zone outcrops in the southwesterly corner of the Pool claim at elevation 3,975 feet (1,212 m) and has been traced for about 160 feet by natural exposure and open cuts across the bare rock bluffs, in tuffs, to elevation 4,085 feet, striking N 52 W and dipping 85 degrees southwesterly. In this distance the zone shows intensive quartz replacement and fair mineralization across widths of 7 to 14 feet. A selected sample of the best mineralization from a cut 14 feet wide at elevation 4,085 feet assayed 0.03 oz/ton gold, 2.03 oz/ton silver, 13.3% lead and 6% zinc.”

“To the northwest the zone enters a greenstone belt adjacent to quartzitic slate and is traced in this formation up a steep draw for about 108 feet to elevation 4,120 feet, striking N 38 W. In this distance the zone is 4 to 5 feet wide and generally sparsely mineralized. Northwest of this for about 225 feet the zone pinches to 1 to 2 feet on width with lateral stringers and disperses in tuffs at elevation 1,320 feet.”

“At elevation 4,250 feet (1,296 m) the draw swings to the west and an oxidized siliceous zone, striking N 80 W, outcrops along the bluff face of the south side for 110 feet to elevation 4.400 feet, where it fades in contact with an agglomerate bed. An open cut on this outcrop at elevation 4,300 feet (1,311 m) exposes a 6 foot width of quartz-calcite replacement irregularly mineralized with sphalerite, galena and pyrite.”

“About 110 feet westerly of this point at elevation 4,800 feet, quartz stringers with irregular mineralization of sphalerite are scattered across a width of about 10 feet in a pyritized, quartzitic slate belt in contact with a small exposure of intrusive porphyritic granodiorite on the west. This quartzitic slate belt is about 130 to 150 feet wide, strikes northwesterly, and to the north and along both margins of its southeasterly projection is bordered by purple and green tuffs.”

“Along the northerly contact of the porphyritic granodiorite, striking north 30 W, the quartzitic slates are irregularly mineralized with sphalerite and some chalcopyrite. In the southeasterly projection of the quartzitic slate belt, down the hill slope for a distance of 520 feet to elevation 4,700 feet, a defined structure striking N 30 W and dipping about 70 degrees south westerly outcrops at intervals, showing widths of 5 to 15 feet mineralized irregularly with blebs, patches and seams of sphalerite, galena and some pyrite.”

“At elevation 4,700 feet this structure is 15 feet wide and intensely sheared. A sample across 8 feet in an open cut at this point assayed a trace in gold, 0.40 oz/ton silver, 0.6% lead and2.2% zinc. To the east the slate belt is bounded by a belt of green and purple tuffs striking northeasterly between elevations 4,500 and 4,100 feet.”

“About 225 feet northwesterly of this point, at an elevation of 5,500 feet on the Peak No. 1 claim, a vein 12 inches to 3 feet wide is exposed on a knob of tuff protruding from the snow. This can be traced for about 75 feet and the structure can be seen to continue in a cavern under the ice. The vein strikes N 15 W and dips steeply southwesterly. It is mineralized with blebs of sphalerite and fine-grained galena. A sample of a streak of sphalerite and fine grained galena 2 inches wide assayed 0.02 oz/ton gold, 2.4 oz/ton silver, 7.5% lead and 20.5% zinc.”

“On the bluffs bordering this snow field, about 165 feet to the northwest at elevation 5,645 feet, a quartz vein in a defined shear 5 feet wide is exposed in porphyritic granodiorite. A selected sample representing the best mineralization across 2 feet of the vein at this point assayed 0.20 oz/ton gold, 9.0 oz/ton silver, 20.8% lead and 22.3% zinc.”

“The shear has been traced up the bluffs bordering the ice surrounding the peak of Mount Stevenson to about elevation 5,800 feet. Along this distance the shear strikes N 50 W, dips 60 degrees southwesterly, is from 4 to 7 feet wide and locally is well mineralized with galena, sphalerite and pyrite. A sample across 7 feet at elevation 5,665 feet assayed 0.04 oz/ton gold, 15 oz/ton silver, 5% lead and 12.7% zinc. A sample at elevation 5,675 feet across 5 feet of quartz and calcite with some sphalerite, pyrite and galena assayed 0.02 oz/ton gold, trace silver, trace lead and 1.3% zinc.”

“About 75 feet to the north of this porphyritic granodiorite outcrop the contacting quartzitic slates are heavily pyritized and oxidized across a width of 106 feet for a length of about 140 feet.”

BCMEMPR Minfile Record Summaries

There are several MEMPR Minfile Record Summaries that describe the geology, mineral showings and historical exploration work conducted on the Dalhousie/Rock of Ages property.

Minfile Record Summary No. 104A 041 reports that “The Dalhousie or No. 1 showing is located on the southeastern part of the Dalhousie claim (Lot 4924) on the east side of the Bear River Ridge, about 1,600 meters east-southeast of Mount Shorty Stevenson and 750 meters west of the Bear River, 14 km north of Stewart.”

“The area is underlain by north striking, west dipping Lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation (Hazelton Group) rocks comprising mainly andesitic tuffs, breccias and flows that are intruded by north to northwest trending dikes.”

“Mineralization at the No. 1 showing is hosted in altered and pyritized (0.5 to 1.0 percent pyrite) fine grained dacitic and andesitic tuffs that immediately overlie rhyolitic flows. These rocks are intruded by north-northwest trending feldspar porphyry dikes (AR 7841). The general trend of the mineralization is north, dipping west and approximately conformable with the bedding. The mineralization has a width of 7 meters and extends over a length of 38 meters. Several open cuts, immediately east of tunnel No. 1, expose veinlets and irregular pods of mineralization in tuffs. These consist of 5 to 40% pyrite, 0.5 to 5% chalcopyrite and 2 to 10% magnetite in quartz-epidote-chlorite-amphibole rock. In 1979, chip samples from cut No. 2, eight meters north of the tunnel No. 1 portal assayed up to 25.0 g/t gold, 6.9 g/t silver and 0.3% copper across 3.0 meters (AR 7841) The mineralization was not intersected in the tunnel.”

Tunnel No. 2, 220 meters north of No.1 showing has been driven about 110 meters northwest. The tunnel exposes andesite flows and tuffs, containing minor disseminated pyrite and intercalated rhyolite. A 30 meter long crosscut has been driven to the southwest, 100 meters from the portal. The crosscut exposes disseminated chalcopyrite in andesite over a length of 10 meters. The mineralization lies close to the eastern flank of a feldspar porphyry dike. In 1979, a grab sample from the mineralization assayed 1.7 g/t gold, 10.3 g/t silver and 0.33% copper (AR 7841).”

Just south of the No. 1 showing (assumed to be the No. 1 vein, MMAR 1927 p. 92), a broad gossan trends northwest. At 975 meters elevation, a 0.9 meter wide zone of silicified greenstone is well mineralized with pyrite and chalcopyrite. The zone trends 290 degrees and dips 50 degrees south. A sample assayed 27.4 g/t gold, 41.1 g/t silver and 2.1% copper across 0.9 meters (MMAR 1927 p. 92).”

“In 2003 a rock chip sample (AR 20573) from a quartz-sulfide vein across 0.6 meters assayed 3.1% copper, 0.17% zinc, 254.0 g/t silver and 1.98 g/t gold (AR 27266).”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 081 reports that “The Ice 3 (A) showing is located on Bear River Ridge about 3.4 km north-northwest of the confluence of Bitter Creek and the Bear River, 800 meters north-northeast of Mount Shorty Stevenson.”

The area is underlain by north-northwest striking folded volcanics and sediments of the Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation (Hazelton Group) (OF 1987-22). Near the showing the host rocks comprise deformed red and green sandstone and tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone. Narrow, north-northwest trending dacitic dikes containing 1 to 5% hornblende cut these rocks (AR 20429). The rocks are bleached and altered in several locations. The alteration, comprising silica, sericite and disseminations of pyrite appears to be associated with a northwest trending zone of folding and shearing (AR 20429).”

The showing occurs in a narrow shear zone and consists of a 0.3 to 1.0 meter wide quartz-ankerite vein that trends 330 degrees and dips 70 degrees east. Immediately south-southeast of the showing the shear lies along the east side of an alteration lens. The vein contains up to 20% galena and sphalerite. A chip (?) sample assayed 21.46% lead, 1.66% zinc, 60.3 g/t silver, 0.05% copper and 0.07 g/t gold across 0.5 meter (AR 20429).”

“In 1990, Navarre Resources Corp. conducted geological mapping, trenching, sampling, soil geochemical surveys, a pulse-EM survey and diamond drilling (1 hole, 99 meters). The showing was described that year.”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 134 reports that “The Rock of Ages Fr. showing is located in the northern part of the Rock of Ages FR. Claim (Lot 4940), about 1.5 km east-southeast of Mount Shorty Stevenson and approximately 1.5 km west of the Bear River.”

The area is underlain by north striking, west dipping lower Jurassic Unuk River Formation volcanics. These rocks comprise mainly andesitic tuffs, breccias and flows; a unit of porphyritic rhyolite to dacite flows and tuffs, about 150 meters thick, lies at or about the stratigraphic level of the mineralization (AR 16082). Both andesitic and felsic rocks are extensively pyritized near the mineralization.”

Mineralization comprises magnetite, galena, sphaleririte and pyrite in dacitic tuffs and intercalated lenses of limestone, chert and argillite. Beds of chert and argillite have been replaced by banded jasper-magnetite-hematite. The dacitic rocks have been fractured, chloritized, hematized and weakly silicified. Sulfide content of the mineralized zone varies from 1 to 35%. The zone ranges from 5 to 10 meters wide and trends to the southwest for 70 meters. A sample from a tunnel (No. 3) assayed trace gold, 5.5 g/t silver, 0.73% zinc and 0.29% lead across 3.5 meters (AR 16082).”

The Glacier showing is located about 250 meters southwest of the Rock of Ages Fr. Showing. Mineralization comprises irregular pods of massive sulfide in propylitized andesites. The sulfides are associated with fractures related to a northwest trending fault zone (AR 16082). Sulfide minerals comprise pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite and bornite ; malachite and azurite have also been reported (AR 11546). A sample collected across 2.0 meters of massive sulfide assayed 5.7 g/t gold, 31.7 g/t silver and 28.3% zinc (AR 16082).”

“The Glacier showing may be the vein referred to as the No. 4 vein in the Minister of Mines Annual Report 1927 p. 92.”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 135 reports that “The Rock of Ages showing is located in the southeastern part of the Rock of Ages Fr. Claim (Lot 4940).”

“The mineralization occurs just above a contact with a stratigraphically lower unit of rhyolitic to dacitic flows. It comprises a siliceous magnetite-pyrite vein about 2 meters wide and 25 meters long, that trends east and dips 80 degrees south. Pyrite and quartz each form about 5% of the magnetite vein; chalcopyrite forms up to 1%. In 1979, a sample assayed 2.1 g/t gold, 13.7 g/t silver and 0.52% copper across 1.5 meters (AR 7841). A nearby sample across a section of mineralized andesitic flow yielded 0.86 g/t gold, 93.9 g/t silver, 1.69% copper and 1.10% zinc over a width of 2.0 meters (AR 16082).

“The showing may correspond to the No. 2 Iron Vein referred to in Minister of Mines Annual Report for 1926 p. 94.”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 136 reports that “The Alpine showing is located in the north-central part of the Alpine claim (Lot 4927).”

“Mineralization is hosted in intercalated andesitic breccias and flows. A strongly limonite altered quartz vein contains 1% disseminated galena (AR 20744). A grab sample of the mineralization assayed 34.3 g/t silver and 1.21% lead (AR 20744).”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 137 reports that “The Rock of Ages showing is located in the southeastern part of the Rock of Ages No. 6 claim (Lot 4938).”

“Mineralization is hosted by in a unit of intercalated porphyritic feldspar rhyolite flows and tuffs (AR 20744). A sheared siliceous, quartz flooded andesite carries 1- 10% pyrite and 1 to 3% disseminated chalcopyrite. A grab sample of the mineralization assayed 69.2 g/t silver and 1.43% copper (AR 20744).”

Minfile Record Summary 104A 153 reports that “The Ice 3(B) showing is located on the east side of Bear River Ridge, about 2.4 km northwest of the confluence of Bitter creek and the Bear River.”

“The area is underlain by northwest to north-northwest striking, folded volcanics and sediments of the Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation. Near the showing, the host rocks comprise deformed conglomerate, volcanic breccia, red and green sandstone, tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone. Narrow, north-northwest trending dacitic dikes, containing 1-5% hornblende, cut these rocks. (AR 20429).”

The rocks are bleached and altered in several locations. The alteration, comprising silica, sericite and disseminations and veins of pyrite, appears to be associated with a northwest trending zone of folding and shearing (AR 20429).”

“The showing comprises a 0.70 meter wide, north-northwest trending quartz vein that dips 70 degrees west. The vein contains up to 5% galena and sphalerite and occurs in an altered area, 200 meters by 250 meters, of conglomerate and volcanic breccia. The alteration includes grey-black quartz (due to finely disseminated carbonaceous material) and disseminations and veins of pyrite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite (AR 20429). A chip (?) sample from the vein assayed 896.0 g/t silver, 7.56% zinc, 2.93 g/t gold, 1.35% lead and 0.01% copper across 0.70 meters (AR 20429).”

“A hole was drilled to test the alteration zone but failed to reach the target depth, however it did intersect two mineralized zones. The better zone, comprising grey-black quartz with galena and tetrahedrite, occurred at the end of the hole. Samples assayed 343.0 g/t silver, 1.79 g/t gold, 9.24% zinc and 0.37% lead across 0.2 meters (AR 20429).”

BCMEMPR Assessment Reports

There are numerous publicly available assessment reports that describe previous mineral exploration programs on Bonanza’s MC claims/Dalhousie/Rock of Ages Property dating from 1965 until 2011 that provide a database from which Bonanza will plan its exploration work.

In order from earliest to latest, the assessment report numbers are AR 759, 7841, 9624, 11546, 12973, 15581, 16082, 20379, 20429, 20573, 20744, 22053, 23485, 23556, 26220, 26381, 27266, 31752.

MC 1&2/Dalhousie/Rock of Ages Property Exploration Work 1965 to 2011

AR 759 - In 1965 Canex Aerial Exploration Ltd. conducted a program of geological mapping and soil sampling on the Aztec group of claims. Their work outlined a lead-zinc soil anomaly with values up to 260 ppm lead and up to 500 ppm zinc located between the Briton crown grant and the Tecumseh and Dundee crown grants. Their work area corresponds to the area of the Palmey showings described in the 1936 Minister of Mines Annual Report.

The report describes “a fault zone located 500 feet south of the Main creek that contained a significant amount of valuable mineralization. Associated with the quartz and copious pyrite, and exposed by a trench at elevation 3,900 feet, are galena, sphalerite and a minor amount of chalcopyrite over a width of eight feet.”

“This lead and zinc mineralization is fairly high grade at this point, but the zone is cut off by a fault immediately below. Although the shear itself continues right over the ridge in the other direction, the high grade portion does not extend very far. Small fracture fillings of galena and sphalerite can be found at random intervals along this upper portion but they are certainly not of commercial grade. At elevation 3,800 feet in the Main creek, a few narrow quartz veins, sometimes up to a foot wide and approximately 300 feet long, contain galena and chalcopyrite mineralization, but they too are far from commercial grade.”

Malachite stain occurs infrequently at random, isolated locations and hematite often gives the rock a reddish color.”

“About 1 ½ miles to the south of Mount Stevenson, at elevation 5,150 feet, a north-northwesterly striking quartz vein from 1 foot to 3 feet wide contains small nodules of tetrahedrite, but they do not form a very impressive showing.”

AR 7,841 – In 1979 Tournigan Mining Explorations Ltd. conducted a program of geological mapping, ground magnetic surveying, trenching and rock sampling principally on the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages Fr. crown grants. Their work focused on the old Dalhousie No. 1, 2 & 3 showings and tunnels No. 1, 2 and 3 which were described in the 1920, 1926 and 1927 Minster of Mines Annual Reports.

Their geological mapping showed the area around the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages crown grants to be underlain by an approximately 1,000 m thick interval of Hazelton Group volcanic rock, based on one baked flow top, which they subdivided into 4 separate rock units. The lower unit 1 consists of a 400 meter thick sequence of white to cream weathering, locally porphyrytic (feldspar) rhyolite flows which grade down into medium grey porphyritic (feldspar) rhyodacite to dacite flows.

The overlying unit 2 is a 350 meter thick sequence of dark grey-green, aphanitic meta-andesite flows and tuff. Rhyodacite and dacite tuff and fine breccia are intercalated. The unit grades down into pyroclastic rocks of highly variable thickness.

Overlying unit 2 is unit 3 which is a 150 meter thick sequence of white to light buff or grey, porphyritic (feldspar) rhyolite to rhyodacite flows with marginally developed tuff and breccia.

The uppermost unit 4, which does not have its top exposed, is a >100 meter thick sequence of medium to dark green meta-andesite volcanic breccia and locally amygdaloidal and porphyritic (plagioclase) flows. At the base of unit 4 some thin beds of jasper and chert were noted.

The strike of the formations varies from 100 to 180 degrees and the dip varies from 25 to 55 degrees to the west.

The mineral occurrences are located within 100 meters stratigraphically of the acid volcanic units 1 and 3. A strike length of about 1 km along each of the favorable contacts and specifically 4 areas of mineralization located near these contacts, were explored by trenching, sampling and mapping. A magnetometer survey was also completed over the area of the No. 1 and No. 2 showings.

The No. 1 showing is located at the base of unit 2 on the southern side of a bulge in the unit1 – unit 2 contact. This showing occurs in a dacite tuff, which has limited aerial extent, at the base of unit 2. The tuff has a varied texture and has been partially silicified, pyritized and altered by chlorite, epidote and amphibole (actinolite?).

The precious metals are associated with pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and quartz in veinlets and irregular small pods. The general trend of the mineralization appears to be the same as the volcanic sequence, ie a north-south strike and a westerly dip. The No. 1 showing has a length of 38 meters and a width of 7 meters, but its down dip length is unknown. The mineralized zone was not intersected in the tunnel located about 12 meters to the south and about 4 meters below the outcrop.

Six trenches were excavated and sampled along the occurrence and the best result was in trench No. 2 which assayed 0.44 oz/t gold and 0.45% copper over 6 meters. Trench No. 3 located 5 meters north west of trench No. 2 assayed 0.12 oz/t gold and 1.0$% copper over 3 meters and trench No. 6 located 30 meters NW of trench No. 2 assayed 0.24 oz/t gold and 1.9% copper over 3 meters. The silver values were between 0.20 oz/t and 0.50 oz/t.

The No. 2 tunnel is located about 220 meters due north of the No. 1 showing. It is located on the northern side of a bulge in unit 2 just above the contact of unit 1 and unit 2. The tunnel has been driven northwest a distance of about 110 meters and the rocks in the tunnel are andesite with some minor lenses of rhyolite. A crosscut has been driven at 100 meters to the southwest and the first 10 meters contained disseminated chalcopyrite mineralization in andesite. A large grab sample from the 10 meter section assayed 0.33% copper, 0.30 oz/t silver and 0.05 oz/t gold.

The No. 2 showing is located just to the northwest of the Dalhousie cabin, about 400 meters north of the No. 1 showing and 150 meters north of the No. 2 tunnel. It is near the unit 1 – unit 2 contact. The zone strikes east-west and dips south at 80 degrees. The zone has a width of about 2 meters and a length of about 35 meters. The mineralization is magnetite, pyrite and quartz. Of 3 trenches excavated across the zone, the best assay result was 0.52% copper, 0.40 oz/t silver and 0.05 oz/t gold across a 1.5 meter width.

The No. 3 Showing is located about 600 meters north-northwest of the No. 2 showing. The mineralization occurs in dacite tuffs and bands of chert and jasper 10 meters above the unit 2- unit 3 contact. The mineralization is galena and sphalerite and possibly arsenopyrite. The rocks of the mineralized zone have been fractured and altered by chlorite. A 12 meter long crosscut has been driven into this zone and the mineralization was only intersected at the portal of the crosscut. It is exposed over an area of 10 meters by 10 meters and appears to be limited in depth. A selected grab sample from the portal of the crosscut assayed 0.86% lead, 2.23% zinc, 0.48 oz/t silver and trace gold.

Approximately 50 meters north of showing No. 3 there is exposed on the wall of a canyon, a tightly folded syncline with a width of about 35 meters that appears to contain the same zone of mineralization as the No. 3 showing. A selected sample of mineralization from a zone about 10 meters by 20 meters of the syncline assayed 0.27% lead, 0.77% zinc, 0.30 oz/t silver and a trace gold.

Since magnetite is associated with the gold mineralization in the No. 1 and No. 2 showings they conducted a ground magnetometer survey along the favorable contact area from showing No. 1 for a distance of 600 meters to the north. The background for the survey was 1,000 gammas and 3 anomalies were located.

An 1,825 gamma anomaly was found over the No. 2 tunnel but it was thought to be due to iron in equipment at the portal of the tunnel. A 2,250 gamma anomaly was located over the No. 2 showing and was interpreted to be due to the magnetite associated with the mineral occurrence.

Approximately 75 meters north of the No. 2 showing, a third anomaly with a 75 meter long contour of 2,000 gammas was mapped and trenched. It had peak readings of 7,000 and 22,000 gammas along its eastern side with a small negative anomaly immediately east of this zone of high readings. The associated small negative anomaly was interpreted to imply the existence of a plate like body of magnetite with a westerly dip.

There are two parallel, >1000 gamma contours on the magnetometer survey plan map that trend north from the No. 2 tunnel which are 275 meters long and open to the north.

The trenching exposed a massive magnetite-specularite bed across 1.4 meters close to the 22,000 gamma reading. A good section across the anomaly was obtained in a creek where the reading was 5,000 gammas. The magnetite bands were found in a flow banded dacite across a 6 meter width. The magnetite was associated with minor amounts of quartz, pyrite and chalcopyrite. The mineralization, which is concordant with the flow banding in the area, has a dip of 45 degrees to the west. Eight bulk samples were taken from the magnetite and pyrite mineralization but contained only trace values in precious metals.

Their report concluded that they had completed a detailed investigation of the favorable unit 1 – unit 2 rhyolite-dacite contact along only a 1,000 meter strike length of the possible 3,500 strike length of the contact zones and recommended that prospecting and mapping should be completed on the unit 1 – unit 2, and unit 2- unit 3 contacts over the rest of the claim group

AR 11,546 – In 1983 Rich Lode Gold Corporation conducted an exploration program consisting of prospecting, blast trenching and rock sampling in the higher elevation area (1,200 m) of the Dalhousie/Rock of Ages property between the No. 3 showing and the eastern side of the glacier in the fault controlled gully. The exploration area was above the mineralized zones reported in AR 7841

In an area just east of the ablation zone of the glacier between 1,200 m and 1,300m elevation, several narrow quartz veins were found that contained pyrite and showed traces of copper leaching and they were named the PRE showings. The mineralization appeared to be intruded rather than strata bound. Some of the veins were blast trenched and sampled. Three of the samples returned assays between 0.044 to 0.165 oz/t gold, 0.99 to 2.56 oz/t silver, 0.42 to 3.08% copper, 0.03 to 7.06% lead and 0.45 to 26.2% zinc, but the veins were described to be only 1 to 3 cm wide

The report mentions “The rock appeared to be basalts and andesites with flow banding visible in places and many fractures trending 140 degrees. There is extensive rust staining over some areas around the PRE showings and the most intensive red stains appear to be associated with rock containing fine-grained disseminated to semi-massive pyrite in shear zones, where the rock has schistocity and may be sericitized.”

“Within this and at locations hosted by unaltered basalt are fractures containing lenses of massive pyrite and chalcopyrite. In most locations this has weathered out and only the rusty stain remains. In some places sufficient mineral remained to sample. In these areas the staining is yellow.”

“There are quartz veins of the shear and tension type but none are longer than 3 to 4 meters and none are wider than 15 cm. They contain in places a dark mineral that superficially resembles magnetite, but is hornblende or hornblende altered to chlorite. Frequently it occurs in distinctive cross banding.”

The map in the report shows several gossan zones on the west side of the gully glacier between the 1,200m and 1,300m elevations, to the southwest of the PRE showings area.

AR 12,973 - In 1984, Tournigan Mining Explorations Ltd. conducted a program of geological mapping and stream sediment sampling on the Independence property that included the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages group of claims.

Seven stream sediment samples were collected along the base of the Bear River Ridge from drainages that headed at higher elevations and one gold, arsenic and zinc anomalous sample was from a drainage that had no known mineral showings in its catchment area.

The geological mapping noted that “pyritization is widespread and produces rusty weathering zones which are especially noticeable in unit D, a white weathering light grey felsite which in places contains volcanic breccia and was mapped by Peter Read as unit 3 rhyolite and rhyodacite flows. In the latites, quartz latites and rhyolites K-spar phenocrysts may be present, they are commonly sanidine rather than orthoclase.”

A unit consisting of “interbedded 1 m to 30 m thick beds of light grey porphyritic (feldspar) tuff, brownish black argillaceous tuff, black quartz eye tuff and thinly interbedded black limestone, black tuffaceous argillite and black quartz-eye tuff” was mapped in two drainages at the lowest elevation of Bear River Ridge. “In a few places the rocks have a hornfeldsic texture that overprints the regional metamorphic texture, eg. at coordinates 6,212,820N – 442,480E AND 6,123,600N – 442,900E, that could be due to the presence of an unrecognized or unexposed stock or large dike.”

The report mentions that “the old A & T showings lie between 700m and 1,000m elevation about 200 meters north of the Rock of Ages No. 5 claim and that in 1929 Cominco conducted a 1,543 foot drill program there. Assays reported from these showings included 0.18 oz/t gold, 1.3 oz/t silver and 2.7% copper over 3 feet and 0.02 oz/t gold, 8.6 oz/t silver and 4.6% copper over 5.5 feet. A showing at 900m elevation was described as irregular chalcopyrite mineralization in several places in the cross-structure over a zone width of about 70 feet.” The location of these showings is shown on the geological map in the report.

The report mentions the Palmey showings “as occurring in 3 quartz replacement zones 2 feet to 15 feet wide that are approximately conformable to the enclosing slate and tuff.”

The report also mentions “near the mouth of Fitzgerald creek a 140 foot adit is reported to have been driven on two small veins 5 inches and 10 inches wide that assayed 20 oz/t silver and 70% lead. “ The writer wondered if the occurrence might lie on the Dalhousie Fr. Claim.

“The contacts with which the Dalhousie showings are associated namely between Reads’ unit 1 and 2 and units 2 and 3 extend north and warrant further mapping and prospecting. In particular, the relationship between the Dalhousie No. 3 showing, the pyritic jasper bed at elevation 1,025 m on the Rock of Ages 5 claim and the old A & T showings should be investigated.”

AR 15,581 & AR 16,082 – In 1986 Moche Resources Inc. conducted an exploration program on the Independence property that included the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages group of claims that consisted of geological mapping, geophysical and geochemical surveys. Their exploration work was submitted to the government in these two assessment reports that appear to be identical.

“Northwesterly trending faults and fracture zones are the dominant structural features on the property. A series of 3 subparallel faults are present on the Rock of Ages claims. The most westerly one, the Glacier Fault, trends 165 degrees and is marked by a long gully which has been invaded by a glacier. The other two faults are found in deeply incised creeks below the eastern edge of the glacier. The faults dip southwesterly and contain well developed breccias and shear zones. Displacement was not determined.”

“Mineralization on the Rock of Ages group of claims occurs in replacement and fracture/shear controlled zones. Replacement mineralization is found at showing No. 2 and showing No. 3. Fracture/shear controlled mineralization is found below the glacier at the Glacier showing and at the Carrin showing.”

“Showing No. 3 is located approximately 500 m northwest of showing No. 2. Mineralization consisting of magnetite, galena and sphalerite occurs in tuffaceous (?) dacites and lenses of limestone, chert and argillite. Total sulfide content ranges from 1 to 35%. Beds of argillite and chert have been replaced by a banded zone of jasper-magnetite-hematite which is tightly folded in the east. The dacitic rocks in the mineralized zone have been fractured, chlotitized, hematized and weakly silicified. A 9 m adit has been driven on this zone. The mineralized zone trends southwesterly for 70 m along steep cliffs and ranges from 5 to 10 meters in width. The best sample from the tunnel assayed trace gold, 0.16 oz,t silver, 0.73% zinc and 0.29% lead across 3.5m. A sample of strongly limonitic argillite float mineralized with galena contained 220 ppb gold, 1.2 oz/t silver, 1.0% lead and 0.6% zinc.”

“The Glacier showing is located approximately 250 m southwest of showing No. 3. Mineralization and alteration consists of widespread propylitization of andesite and irregular massive sulfide occurrences associated with fault related fracture systems located between two major faults. A sample collected across 2 m of massive sulfide mineralized andesitic tuff contained 0.165 oz/t gold and 1.20 oz/t silver. A sample of a 30 cm wide shear yielded 0.096 oz/t gold and 1.2 oz/t silver.”

The Glacier showing appears to be in the area where the PRE showings occur.

“The Carrin showing is located 800m north of the Glacier showing. An open cut exposes galena and sphalerite along the fractured contact of an andesitic dike and dacitic (?) tuffs. A grab sample from the open cut assayed 0.112 oz/t gold, 2.4 oz/t silver, 6.76% lead and 7.72% zinc. The mineralization is probably related to a fault trending northwesterly from showing No. 3.”

“Altered and mineralized rocks are present along this structure and within associated diagonal shears. Fractures include a 4m wide banded cherty magnetite horizon similar to showing No. 3 and a 0.50m thick lens of limestone strongly mineralized by well developed crystals of arsenopyrite. Other alteration zones along the fault include bleached pyritic horizons, silicified, hematized fault breccias, cherty banded replacement zones, silicified and pyritized felsic and intermediate volcanics and chloritized and epidotized intermediate volcanics.”

The airborne total magnetic field strength survey had one magnetic feature “On flight 9 a magnetic anomaly 3 km from the south tip of the line correlates with the mineralized zone on the Dalhousie crown grant.”

The Annapolis airborne VLF-EM survey results show one zone of strong activity on flight line 7 about 1.25 km from the southern tip of the line. An anomaly about 1.8 km north of the southern tip of line 6 is coincident with the anomaly on line 7. There is no geological information to correlate with this anomaly.” “The fact that anomalies occurring on individual flight lines cannot be correlated with those on adjacent flight lines indicates the features are narrow or that they are roughly parallel to the flight lines.”

AR 20,429 – In 1990 Navarre Resources Corporation conducted an exploration program in the area between the west side of the Dalhousie/Rock of Ages crown grants and Mt Shorty Stevenson. The exploration work consisted of geological mapping, soil sampling, trenching/rock sampling, a pulse EM horizontal loop survey and diamond drilling of one short hole.

The pulse EM survey covered an area of 700 m by 800 m and its baseline was run southeasterly for 700m down the center of the gully glacier. The cross lines extended easterly to the boundaries of the Rock of Ages No.1, 6 & 7 crown grants.

The report mentions “Zones of pervasive quartz-sericite-pyrite are developed across an area of 1.5km by 0.3km over the central portion of the Main grid. A replacement zone of quartz-pyrite-graphite is developed over the portion of the Ice B grid. A trenched rock chip sample from this replacement zone assayed 205.6 g/t silver across a width of 0.80 meters. Soil samples from this area of approximately 150m by 300m, returned average values in excess of 20 ppm silver and 0.1 ppm gold.”

“A quartz-sulfide vein zone located immediately south of the carbonaceous quartz-sulfide replacement zone assayed 2.93g/t gold, 896.0 g/t silver, 1.35% lead and 7.56% zinc. A diamond drill hole was positioned to cut this zone but was stopped short due to mechanical problems. The 99m long drillhole did however intersect quartz-sphalerite-galena in the final 15 cm of core that assayed 1.79 g/t gold, 343.0 g/t silver, 9.24% zinc and 0.37% lead.” As well, a 0.6m long interval of mineralization was intersected higher up the drill core that assayed 0.03g/t gold and 108.6 g/t. silver.

“The contact zone of the vein and the replacement zone are targets for high tonnage-low grade and low tonnage-high grade gold-silver deposits.”

“Another quartz –sulfide vein and replacement zone exists in the southwest corner of the Main grid. A line of soil samples returned values up to 199.8 ppm silver and 1,835 ppb gold from this zone.”

“The geophysical Pulse-EM survey over the Main grid failed to identify conductor axes. The survey was conducted over glacial ice testing an obscure quartz-sericite- pyrite alteration zone that extends northwest from the lower elevations to the crest of Bear River Ridge, where only small 50 – 100meter exposures of the zone come through the ice.”

“Previous work in the vicinity of Mt. Shorty Stevenson indicates the presence of high grade mineralization including an assay value of 7.2 g/t gold, 5,848.2 g/t silver, 12.6% lead and 30.2% zinc across a width of 35 cm taken from a quartz vein immediately south of Mt. Shorty Stevenson.”

“A northwest trending belt of mineralized, deformed volcanoclastics occurs in the central portion of the Ice 2 claim. This deformation follows a major shear zone that can be traced from the confluence of Bear River and Bitter creek to Monitor lake. As a result a 100m t0 200m wide band of pyritic, bleached, altered rock can be traced for approximately 1 km through the Ice 2 claim. Adjacent, parallel shear zones contain erratic quartz-carbonate sulfide lenses that contain significant gold-silver values. One such zone was identified at 10+00S 4+50W on the Main grid (Ice 3A). The width of mineralization varied from 0.3 to 1.0 meters and trended NNW with a steep west dip.”

“A relatively large scale quartz-sulfide replacement zone occurs over the middle lower portion of the Ice 3 claim. (Ice 3B). This zone is centered 300m southeast of Mt. Shorty Stevenson. The Main zone gave soil geochemical values that averaged over 20 ppm silver and 100 ppb gold. This zone covers an area of 200 m by 250 m. Mineralization in this zone consists of grey-black colored quartz, disseminated and vein pyrite, graphite, sphalerite, galena and tetrahedrite. A 0.70 m wide quartz-sulfide vein within this zone assayed 2.93 g/t gold, 896.0 g/t silver, 1.35% lead and 7.56% zinc. The grey-black colored quartz within the replacement zone is due to fine grained carbonaceous material forming up to 1% of the rock.”

“The relatively unaltered rock at the edge of this zone consists of red, green and brown colored sandstone, siltstone and volcanic breccia of the Unuk River Formation. This relatively thick and contorted formation is unconformably overlain by the relatively well preserved and locally thin Betty Creek Formation. The Betty Creek Formation consists of rhyolite to andesite composition volcanic tuffs and flows with minor sandstone, siltstone and chert.”

“This relatively flat lying unit contrasts with the contorted Unuk River Formation suggesting that middle Jurassic plutonism (Texas Creek Granodiorite) was responsible for warping the Unuk River Formation. Well preserved primary flow and ash fall textures are present in the Betty Creek Formation whereas very little original texture is preserved in the Unuk River Formation. Mineralization on the claim group is hosted by the Unuk River Formation immediately below the unconformity with the overlying Betty Creek Formation.”

“Detailed examination of mineralization reveals 3 distinct styles of sulfide-quartz distribution and emplacement: 1) Structurally controlled quartz-sulfide veins occurring along shear zones across widths of 0.1m to 2.0 m, 2) Quartz-sulfide replacement zones with silicification and pyrite developed across widths of 100m to 300m and 3) Bleached country rock with secondary sericite, quartz and pyrite developed adjacent to zones of cataclasis

“Trenching and rock chip channel sampling of the 3 types of mineralization revealed higher gold and silver values were obtained in the quartz-sulfide veins. The observed veins appear to increase their frequency and width in areas where faults interact with quartz-sulfide replacement zones, ie where mineral type 1 intersect mineral type 2. Trenching results confirm an increase in gold and silver values in the quartz-sulfide replacement zone 300m to 500m southeast of Mt. Shorty Stevenson.”

“A Pulse-EM survey was performed to test for conductive sulfide zones along a major shear zone approximately 1.5 km north of Mt. Shorty Stevenson. This zone was located by following the mineral trend within the Rock of Ages crown granted claims located 0.7 km east of Mt. Shorty Stevenson, and carries on through to Monitor Lake 2.5 km northwest of Mt. Shorty Stevenson.”

“An area 800 meters by 700 meters was surveyed on the Main grid. This area is approximately 90% ice and the hub of the grid was located on a rock island within the glacier. This outcrop is approximately 50 m by 150 m and consists of bleached, altered rock with abundant sericite, silica and pyrite. The objective of the survey was to test extension of the known mineral trend and to identify conductive zones near the alteration zone located near the center of the survey area. The survey failed to identify any conductive zones under the glacier.”

“The survey was originally planned to cover the southern portion of the Main grid and the Ice B grid however the steep terrain and glacial ice proved too difficult for this type of survey.”

“A proposal of drilling 3 holes from a setup 150 m south of Mt Shorty Stevenson was stopped short due to mechanical problems. The objective was to intersect the quartz-sulfide replacement-vein zone located 200 m horizontally and 140 m vertically from the drill collar. Projected to cut this zone at 200 – 275 m depth, only a 99 m depth was attained. Two other holes were planned to cut the mineralized shear zones that are part of the same zone.”

“The 99 m drill hole intersected 2 mineral zones within a sequence of Lower Jurassic volcanics and sediments. The final 15 cm of this hole intersected carbonaceous quartz gangue with disseminated sphalerite and traces of fine galena. This core assayed 1.79 g/t gold, 343.0 g/t silver 9.24% zinc and 0.37% lead.”

“A fence pattern of diamond drill holes to test the depth extension of surface trenching is recommended. A series of 100 m to 250 m drill holes at 50 m spacing could be collared 50 – 100 m southwest of the quartz-sulfide replacement-vein zone in the east portion of the Ice B grid. Angle holes could be directed northeast to intersect this zone. A total of 950 m of core drilling is recommended.”

AR 31,752 – In 2010 REC Minerals Corp. conducted an exploration program that consisted of geological mapping, geophysical magnetometer surveys and geochemical rock and soil sampling over a 1.6 km by 1.2 km area in the east-central portion of the MC 1 claim.

This report also summarizes the previous exploration work conducted between 1990 and 2010 that was written in assessment reports AR 20,744, 23,485, 23,556, 26,220, 26,381 and 27,266. Most of these work programs were small and to satisfy claim maintenance but they do contain important exploration data.

In 1994, AR 23,556 describes the results of a 1993 exploration program conducted by Navarre Resources on the Ice area showings. “In 1993, Navarre Resources performed extensive rock chip sampling on the same vein system discovered in 1992 described as follows; west to northwest trending, steep to shallow dipping veins occur along fault structures within Unuk River volcaniclastics and follow the surface trace of a dacitic hornblende porphyry dike. Vein mineralization consists of 1-35% brown sphalerite, 1-40% galena, 1-25% pyrite, trace chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite in a quartz-carbonate gangue. Rock chip samples gave the following results.”

The best results from 14 chip samples were 0.07% copper, 1.44% lead, 9.99% zinc, 8.18 oz/t silver and 0.019 oz/t gold over 2.25 m, 0.06% copper, 2.3% lead, 9.99% zinc, 3.86 oz/t silver and 0.036 oz/t gold over 2m, 0.01% copper, 2.32% lead, 9.99% zinc, 8.12 oz/t silver and 0,036 oz/t gold over 1.5m and 0.01% copper, 2.87% lead, 7.77% zinc, 1.68 oz/t silver and 0.007 oz/t gold over 4 m.

“These silver and gold bearing veins occur near a major stratigraphic break between lower Jurassic and middle Jurassic volcanics and sediments that are proximal to Jurassic granodiorite intrusive rocks. This unconformity and proximity to the Jurassic Texas Creek granodiorite are important ore controls of the nearby Silbak-Premier ore that occurs in similar stratigraphy. The strong northwest trending faults east of Mount Shorty Stevenson, that forms Dundee creek, cuts lower Jurassic stratigraphy and the margin of the Texas Creek granodiorite. This fault is a major air photo lineament and is related to pervasive quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration.”

“Quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration is well developed across a 0.5km by 0.3km zone that corresponds to the main showings of the Dalhousie creek crown granted claims. A northwest trending mineralized fault zone located along Rock of Ages creek was the focus of fieldwork in this program. Mineralization peripheral to this fault consists of pyrite-chalcopyrite-galena-sphalerite in a gangue of quartz, magnetite and/or jasper.”

Seven chip samples were taken the best of which returned 471ppm copper, 17,636 ppm lead, 99,999 ppm zinc, 136.7 ppm silver and 8,760 ppb gold across 20 cm.

“Magnetometer profiles show several abrupt 200-600 gamma increases on L 3+00N station 0+87E and L 4+00N station 0+62E which correspond to the Rock of Ages creek mineral zone. A weaker 300 gamma sharp increase occurs on L 9+00N staion 2+25E which coincides with a magnetite-pyrite occurrence.”

“The sharp mag highs are interpreteted as lenses of massive and/or semi-massive magnetite. In the area of Rock of Ages creek there is a layered jasper-magnetite formation which probably accounts for the anomalous response on L 3+00 and 4+00N.”

In 2000, AR 26,381 describes the southeast extension of the Rock of Ages fault system. “The southeast extension of the NW trending mineralized fault system outcrops in a series of cliffs at a lower elevations (200 – 800 meters asl), on the cliffs above the Bear River situated in the east portion of claim MC 2.”

“A northwest trending quartz-sulfide fissure vein that was located about 500 meters west of the Bear River on the southeast edge of MC 2 gave an assay of 0.63% copper, 1.79% lead, 9.99% zinc, 293.8 g/t silver and 58.9 g/t gold across 1.0 meters. This high grade zinc-silver- gold showing has a 7 meter long and 1.5 meter wide adit which has been driven at a bearing of 310 degrees into the hillside to trace the quartz-sulfide vein. This area is called the Southeast Zone.”

In 2002, 3 rock chip samples from the Dalhousie showings returned assays of 31,800 ppb gold over 1 meter, 50,400 ppb gold over 0.80 meters and 4,580 ppb gold over 1.0 meters.

“This showing is located near the north edge of the Dalhousie fraction claim and features several localized magnetometer survey anomalies and trench cuts. The high grade gold bearing mineral zone is located at the 800 meter elevation and occurs along the axis of a cross-structure and appears to be the southwest extension of the northwest trending Rock of Ages mineralization located at 1,200 – 1,300 meters elevation.”

“Parallel northwest trending mineral zones are well exposed as massive cliffs above the Dalhousie showings and this area corresponds to buff and green schists with phyllonite which contain quartz-sericite-pyrite phyllic alteration. The southeast extension of this extensive Q-S-P alteration zone carries through to the Bear River valley and onto the Dundee claim further southeast.”

In 2003, AR 27,266 describes a rock sampling program within the southeast extension of the Rock of Ages creek mineralized fault zone. “The NW trending Rock of Ages mineralized fault system outcrops in a series of cliffs at a lower elevation of approximately 800 meters asl, on the cliffs above the Bear River situated in the SE portion of the MC 2 claim.”

“This area referred to as the Dalhousie showings contains the following significant rock chip samples; Dalhousie 0.03% copper, 48.6 ppm silver and 1,580 ppb gold over 0.5 meters, 3.14% copper, 254 ppm silver and 1,980 ppb gold over 0.6 meters and 0.55% copper, 73.3 ppm silver, 48,580 ppb gold over 0.3 meters, Glacier zone 5.1 ppm silver, 4,120 ppb gold over 0.9 meters, 0.55% copper, 27.3 ppm silver, 1,580 ppb gold over 0.9 meters, Southeast Zone 126.4 ppm silver, 810 ppb gold over 1.0 meters.”

AR 31,752 describes the 2010 work program “Fieldwork included geochemical analysis (95 soil, 22 rock samples, 30 element ICP & gold geochemistry), as well as total filed magnetometer along 1.9 km of north-south oriented grid lines surveyed with 2 Garmin GPS instruments.”

“The geological mapping, geophysical surveying and rock and soil sampling was carried out in the east-central portion of the MC 1 claim. The area is steep and ranges from 750 m to 1,500 m (2,460 to 4,920 feet) in elevation. The upper portion of the fieldwork area is above tree line which is roughly 1,067 m (3,500 feet) elevation.”

“Rock chip sampling (22 samples total) was carried out in 6 areas: 1) Dalhousie No 1 vein zone, 1 sample, elevation 758 m, 2) Rock of Ages No 3 vein zone, 10 samples, elevation 1102 to 1295 m, Aztec, 2 samples, elevation 1140 to 1149 m, Ice 3B, 1 sample, elevation 1495 m, Cairn (aka Carrin), 1 sample, elevation 1505 m, Rock of Ages No 2 vein zone, 8 samples, elevation 822 to 946 m.”

“Quartz-sericite-pyrite-clay (QSP) phyllic alteration is well developed across a 1,000 m by 300 m zone located in the east-central portion of the MC 1 claim. QSP is locally abundant between 900 to 1,400 m elevations. Adjacent to the QSP alteration, a northwest trending mineralized fault zone is located along Rock of Ages creek, which contains minor jasper, chert and chalcopyrite with 3-5% disseminated pyrite. Sub-parallel mineralization peripheral to this fault consists of pyrite-chalcopyrite-galena-sphalerite-tetrahedrite in a gangue of quartz, carbonate, magnetite, specularite, barite and/or jasper.”

“The lower jasper zone at 1,200 – 1,300 m elevation contains 3-5% fracture filling pyrite and sparse chalcopyrite. The southeast extension of the NW trending mineralized fault system outcrops in a series of cliffs at a lower elevations between 200 – 800 m.” On the cliffs above the Bear River situated in the east portion of claim MC 2, a northwest trending quartz-sulfide fissure vein that was located about 500 meters west of the Bear River on the southeast edge of MC 2 returned an assay of 58.9 g/t gold, 293.8 g/t silver, 0.63% copper, 1.79% lead and 9.99% zinc across 1 meter.”

“The mineralization and alteration appear to be localized near the contact of rhyolite flows, overlain by andesitic tuffs and the classification of the deposit type includes (concordant and strataform) Noranda/Kuroko massive sulfide type (Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au), polymetallic veins and breccia (Ag-Au-Pb-Zn-Cu), and polymetallic manto (Ag-Au-Pb-Zn).”

“Geochemical analysis of several rock samples taken from the Rock of Ages L4940 No. 2 vein zone returned significant gold and silver values including (1.31% copper, 82.3 ppm silver and 19,560 ppb gold over 38 cm), (1.86% copper, 36.7 ppm silver, 1,540 ppb gold over 85 cm) and (1.08% copper, 12.8 ppm silver and 570 ppb gold over 85 cm).” “There is a strong coincident magnetometer and gold-copper soil anomaly located 100 – 200 meters east of with this zone. The showings occur at elevations from 775 to 950 meters and appear to line up with the northwest trending faults and lineaments of Rock of Ages creek that exposes the Rock of Ages No. 3 vein zone at 1,180 meters elevation (No 3 tunnel) (Lots 4940, 4938) where a prominent 30 – 80 meter wide gossan with quartz-sericite-pyrite-clay phyllic alteration cuts the northwest trend roughly north-northeast, following the contour lines.”

“The Dalhousie zone continues south-southwest and future work should be directed towards exploring the combined 500 meters of strike length of the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages No 2 and No 3 vein zones gold enriched-copper and iron bearing mineralized zones located at 700 – 1,300 meter elevation.”

“Geochemical analysis of a rock sample from the Cairn showing returned an assay of 20.8% zinc, 9.47% lead, 228 ppm silver and 10,800 ppb gold over 20 cm.”

“Geochemical analysis of two rock samples taken from the Aztec (SE zone) returned values of 2.89% copper, 39.4 ppm silver, 120 ppb gold over 20 cm and 1.28% copper, 36.8 ppm silver and 130 ppb gold over 38 cm respectively

“It is recommended that core drilling, geological mapping and trenching be carried out on the Rock of Ages (No 2 & 3 vein zones) and Cairn old trench targets. Approximately 4,000 meters of core drilling is recommended for these zones. Approximately 18 200 – 275 meter deep inclined holes should be collared 50 meters from the target zone and spread out along a fence pattern perpendicular to surface trends.”

AR ????? - In 2011 Reliant Gold Corp. conducted an exploration program on the property consisting of diamond drilling and rock chip sampling. The diamond drilling comprised drilling a total of 710 meters in 3 holes collared at two adjacent drill pads and was designed to test the rock and soil anomalies supported by the favorable magnetic signatures outlined by the 2010 exploration program.

The NAD 83 UTM coordinates of the two drill collar locations are: MC-11-01 441455N 6213817E, elevation 1251m and MC-11-02/03 441764N 6213765E, elevation 1144m.

“A gold-silver-zinc bearing quartz-sulfide vein system hosted in volcanic-sedimentary rocks was drill tested in Rock of Ages No 3 vein zone and was found to define wide down-hole sections of moderately elevated polymetallic values. Sulfides consist of mainly of disseminated pyrite ranging from 2 up to 20% with minor <2% sphalerite with trace chalcopyrite. The showing is aligned along a prospective northwesterly trend for approximately 1,200 meters which includes the Rock of Ages No 2, Dalhousie and Cairn showings.”

“The drilling encountered hydrothermally altered sericite-chlorite-carbonate-sulfide rich volcanic and sedimentary rocks throughout most of the core and specifically in multiple sections varying in down-hole lengths ranging from 25 m up to 210 meters.”

“Multiple narrow sections consisting of feldspar-quartz porphyry intrusive were also identified in the core associated with the altered rocks and an increase in sulfide concentration. The zone continues south-southwest and future work should be expanded and directed towards exploring the Dalhousie and Rock of Ages No2 and Cairn showings along the favorable trend.”

“The drilling consisted of 3 holes from 2 pad setups which tested the Rock of Ages No. 3 showing which had been identified from previous work to host precious and base metal bearing veins and breccia bodies.”

“Analysis of 461 core samples returned multiple sections of anomalous gold, silver and zinc values of up to 0.9 meters of 1.03 g/t gold in hole MC-11-02 and 1.8 meters of 1.2% zinc and 2.4 meters of 7.3 g/t silver in hole MC-11-01, within wider sections of anomalous metal contents.”

“The deepest hole tested the target area to a maximum depth of approximately 140 meters. The results were encouraging because they indicate the presence of a large hydrothermal mineralizing system.”

“Surface fieldwork included the examination and rock sampling of known metal occurrences and gossanous quartz-pyrite-sericite altered areas, in general focusing on the Aztec and Alpine showings. In total 30, 1-2 kilogram chip samples were taken from outcrop.”

“The geochemical data collected from the rock sampling suggests that Pb-Zn rich, and high Ag:Au ratio mineralization at Cairn and Ice 3B showings are related to intrusive rocks of Eocene age., whereas Rock of Ages No. 2 & 3 veins and Dalhousie No.1 vein are Pb-Zn poor, have low Ag:Au ratios, have elevated Cu values and are probably Jurassic age.”

“The No 3 vein may be a massive sulfide and/or manto, based on the host rock, consisting of banded chert horizons that contain 0.1 – 3 cm wide layers of alternating jasper-magnetite-hematite with rusty, altered limestone above the banded chert. The No. 3 vein zone altered dacite host rock is cut by two late-stage, NNW trending andesite porphyry dikes (1-5m wide) that twin the fault zone that follows the creek

Exploration History of the Outland Silver Bar Property

The Outland Silver Bar property is located on the west side of Salmon glacier/river approximately 4 km west of the Big Missouri prospect currently being explored by Ascot Resources.

The Outland Silver Bar property is described on pages 146 and 147 in the 1971 BC Ministry of Mines Bulletin No. 58 as follows “ The Outland Silver Bar property lies within the limits of the Portland Canal dike swarm near its northwestern extremity. The country rocks are banded, dark, quartzitic siltstones and greywackes, which have been intruded by members of the Coast Plutonic Complex. On the property the sedimentary rocks are marked by breccia and narrow mylonite zones and by complex, small scale, isoclinal folding.”

“These rocks are part of a fairly extensive siltstone unit probably extending from Big Missouri Ridge under the Salmon Glacier to include Outland Point. The widespread ice and snow cover as well as the complexity of dike intrusions makes it difficult to determine the structural positions of these siltstones, but they probably overlie the Hazelton volcanic epiclastics.”

“At least five generations of dikes forming part of the Portland Canal dike swarms in this area have been outlined on figure 35 and are partly visible on Plate XVIIa. Dike ages are indicated by quartz vein mineralization which cuts altered porphyritic hornblende diorite and quartz diorite members. The later dikes are probably the dark green andesite dikes which are similar to the lamprophyre dikes found at the Morris Summit property and elsewhere.”

Johnnies vein, a north-northeast trending structure, is the major showing on the Outland Silver Bar property and has been explored by the No. 1 adit at elevation 4,041 feet and by adit No. 6 at elevation 3,882 feet. In the adit crosscuts, the vein has a width of about 4 feet and has an apparent mineralized section about 100 feet long. The vein lies in brecciated, altered siltstones and has been cut by small, late, dioritic dikes. Other smaller veins are found in the older dikes and generally show little extension into the siltstones. The veins generally consist of quartz with scattered galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite and pyrite with minor chalcopyrite. The veins trend north to northeast and dip easterly within minor shear zones in the siltstones and in fractures in the dikes.”

“Replacement type mineralization in altered siltstones has been explored in adits No. 8, 9, 10 & 13, disclosing a narrow, apparently continuous, steep, low grade silicified zone trending east-northeast in which pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, scattered chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite are visible.”

“As at many of the properties along the Portland Canal dike swarm, the best silver bearing mineralization has been localized as small lenses or pockets within the more competent dike rocks rather than the country rock siltstones. The high grade deposits are therefore generally of limited size and relatively difficult to locate and develop.”

Ministry of Mines Annual Reports

The 1929 Minister of Mines Annual Report reported on the Outland Silver Bar Mines Ltd. property. “This property is situated 6 miles up the Salmon River glacier, on the west side and consists of 14 claims, all crown granted. The formation is a much altered argillite merging into a highly siliceous rock, with a series of quartz-porphyry dikes running through the property on a general east-west trend.”

“To the north of the dike system there is a large irregularly shaped mineralized mass, consisting of siliceous matter impregnated with galena, zinc-blende, pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite, and at least in one place, arsenopyrite. It is said to carry fair gold and silver values. A number of short tunnels have been driven into this mass at various elevations from 3,168 to 3,5507 feet and all are in consistently mineralized matter.”

“On the south side of the dike system and extending to the top of the bluff above the camp are several outcroppings of small veins, consisting of brecciated argillites with the fissures filled with quartz, calcite, galena, zinc-blende and some grey copper. The walls generally are well defined. The most promising showing is known as Johnnies vein. This was cut by the No. 6 crosscut at elevation 3,882 feet, at about 400 feet in from the portal, and was drifted on for a short distance north and south. The vein, which strikes north-south and is nearly vertical, is well mineralized. It is about 4 feet wide in the south drift and 3 feet in the north. It is cut by a dike running approximately N 45 W, but continues on the north side with little or no displacement.”

“About 250 feet to the north there is an outcrop of what is almost certainly the same vein, and a drift, known as Johnnies Vein Outcrop tunnel, has been driven for a short distance at an elevation of 4,069 feet. There is a good showing at the face of 4 feet 6 inches of well mineralized vein matter. A chip sample over 3 feet 6 inches assayed: 0.10 oz/t gold, 61.2 oz/t silver, 10.2% lead and 14,8% zinc.”

“Another vein, known as No.1, which has an average strike of N 45 W and dips 55 degrees southeast, has been driven on in 2 places at elevations 4.049 and 3,890 feet respectively. It averages about 1 foot in width and contains a high proportion of galena and zinc-blende. A crosscut just above the surface of the glacier, at an elevation of 3,168 feet, has been started from a point to the south of the dike system and will be driven due west to prove the continuation in depth of the No. 1 and Johnnies veins. Another crosscut at an elevation of 3,100 feet is projected from a point to the north of the dike system which will also be on a west course. This should prove the heavy sulfide mass. Gold and silver values are said to be higher when copper is present.”

BCMEMPR Assessment Reports

There are 4 publicly available assessment reports that describe previous mineral exploration programs on Bonanza’s Outland Silver Bar property dating from 1961 until 1981 that provide a database from which Bonanza will plan its exploration work. The assessment reports numbers are 375, 6198, 7728 and 9736. There has not been any exploration work reported on the Silver Bar property since 1981.

AR 375 – In 1961 Newmont Mining Corporation conducted an exploration program consisting of surface and underground geological mapping and sampling.

The report discusses the economic geology “Mineralization of economic significance is found in vein and replacement deposits. These have been explored by numerous trenches and open cuts.”

“Veins, blebs and stringers of quartz are found cutting the argillaceous rocks and the oldest dikes. The strongest veins appear to occur in shears that trend N to NE and dip moderately to steeply east, and easterly, with moderate dips to the north. Mineralization consists chiefly of galena, tetrahedrite and sphalerite with minor amounts of pyrite and chalcopyrite.”

“Johnnies Vein is the best showing on the property. This has been explored by adits No. 1 and No. 6. In tunnel No. 1 the vein material cuts the oldest intrusive. Here the vein has well defined walls and is 4 ½ feet wide. In adit No. 6 the vein cuts argillaceous rocks. In the No. 2 crosscut vein material has filled a brecciated argillite over a width of 4 feet. The vein is best developed near the well defined footwall. No. 3 crosscut just enters vein material on the north side of a post ore dike. The available evidence indicates that a stope length in the order of 75 to 125 feet could be expected.”

“Vein No. 1 has been explored by adits No. 2 and 3. This E.N.E. trending, north dipping vein cuts highly silicified and recrystallized argillaceous rocks. Mineralization is similar to that found in Johnnies vein but the maximum width is less than 1 ½ feet.”

“Adits No. 4 and 5 have been driven on even smaller veins. No. 5 adit was collared in the oldest intrusive and follows a 6 to 15 inch quartz vein trending 50/50 SE. Near the argillaceous contact the vein swings to 35/40 E. Although well defined in the intrusive rocks, the vein weakens quickly in the argillites and is reduced to a sparsely mineralized gouge zone near the end of the tunnel.” “Trenches and small cuts have explored small blebs and discontinuous streaks of sulfide bearing quartz at several other places on the property. In some of these amber colored sphalerite is the dominant mineral.”

“Several small irregular pyritized (+/- minor amounts of arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena and sphalerite) zones can be found in both the argillaceous rocks and in the oldest intrusive rocks.”

“The only zone with any apparent continuity is that explored by adits No. 8, 9, 10 and 13. Here a 20 inch zone containing appreciable amounts of pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite (with minor amounts of chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite} trends E.N.E. and dips steeply north. Silicified zones and small quartz blebs and stringers cutting the sulfides contain galena, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. Samples of material from this zone gave consistently low values.”

“Ore controls of the vein deposits are structural and lithologic. Clean breaks were opened in the more competent pre-vein intrusive rocks, whereas in the argillaceous rocks gouge and brecciated argillite occupied much of the shear.”

“Ore controls of the replacement bodies are obscure but the presence of small siliceous zones and mineralized quartz stringers that roughly parallel the trend of the replacement zone hint that some structural break might have existed.”

“In summary the mineral occurrences consist of vein and replacement deposits. The N.N.E. trending, east dipping, Johnnies Vein was the only showing observed that has any economic potential. In any development of this vein, attention should be paid to the lithologic ore control discussed previously.”

AR 6198 – In 1976 Gold Drop Mines Ltd. conducted an exploration program consisting of mapping and extensive sampling of quartz veins and a massive sulfide zone on the property. The camp area and the main showings are concentrated in a small area at elevations 3,400 feet to 3,700 feet. Access is by helicopter from Stewart, which is a 10 minute travel time.

The report mentions that “The original showings were staked by prospector E. H. Bertholf in 1919, and in 1920 Outland Silver Bar Mines was formed to continue development work. Other showings to the northwest were staked by T.V. Wilson in 1920 and acquired by Eldorado Gold Mines Consolidated Ltd. Exploration continued on the main showings until 1930.”

“Newmont Mining examined and sampled the property in 1961 and since 1961, nine diamond drill holes were completed in the main adit No. 6 to explore the Johnnies vein, but it is not known at this time who financed or supervised the drilling.”

“The property is underlain by fine grained grey, banded, hornfelsed rocks of indeterminate origin, and in the northern area, by black limey siltstone. These sediments are strongly banded (trend 265 to 290 degrees), but the banding could be the result of cataclasis. The Portland Canal Dike Swarm cuts the sediments; the dikes are of widely varying composition and several distinct ages, and trend approximately 290 degrees, parallel to banding in the sediments. Some varieties of dikes (diorite, altered quartz diorite) are pre-mineralization, other (rhyolite quartz eye porphyry, dark green diorite) are post mineralization.”

“The main quartz vein (Johnnies Vein), actually a brecciated zone with quartz, tetrahedrite, sphalerite and galena, was seen in adits 1 and 6; in the latter, the vein is cut by a dioritic dike with no displacement.”

“The massive sulfide zone, described by previous investigators as a low grade zone with replacement bodies, trends roughly eastward down a steep slope facing the glacier, and appears to dip steeply. It is cut by six short adits and several open cuts. The zone is marked by a strong gossan. The best mineralization was seen in adits 8 and 10; in adit No. 8, sulfide mineralization is massive, with typical “massive sulfide” textures. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite and galena are present in approximate order of importance. Numerous samples were cut for assay.”

“During examination of the cores from the Johnnies vein zone, 1,000 feet west of the massive mineralization, disseminated sphalerite was noted. Because the cardboard core boxes were badly rotted, very little information may be recovered, however, much of the core was bagged and brought to Vancouver for inspection.”

“The occurrence of disseminated sphalerite may indicate that further massive sulfide zones may be encountered on the property. Numerous other rusty zones were seen on other portions of the property, and other zinc-rich showings are described in Minister of Mines reports for 1927- 1930.”

“The sulfide “replacement” zone as mapped by Newmont, extends for approximately 400 feet with an average width of 50 feet. Vertical extent on the slope is 200 feet.”

“Chip samples taken by the writer from trenches and adits of the gossan zone average 1.6 oz/t silver, 0.53% lead and 0.63% zinc. Two long chip samples (150 feet from the wall of adit 9 and 60 feet from the wall of adit 10) averaged 2.6 oz/t silver, 0.63% lead and 1.08% zinc.”

A selected dump sample from adit 10 on the gossan zone assayed 0.12 oz/t gold, 3.4 oz/t silver, 0.15% copper, 0.35% lead and 0.39% zinc.

“Considering the low, but significant metal content of the gossan zone as a whole, the higher tenor of selected samples, the low silver-lead ratio and the appearance and width of the massive sulfide zone, the writer considers this area worthy of further exploration efforts. Lenses of higher grade material could be outlined by trenching or drilling and further occurrences of massive sulfide mineralization could be found on the property.”

“Other massive sulfide deposits are known in the Stewart area. Massive sulfide mineralization and disseminated sulfides in sediments occur on the Big Missouri property directly across the glacier from the Outland Silver Bar property; at this locality the sediments are cut by the same dike swarm. Pods of rich massive sulfide mineralization were mined at the Premier mine several miles to the south.”“In spite of the steep terrain in the property area, the massive sulfide discovery represents a worthwhile target.”

“In spite of the steep terrain in the property area, the massive sulfide discovery represents a worthwhile target.”

AR 7728 – In 1979 Tournigan Mining Explorations Ltd. conducted an exploration program consisting of geological mapping of several tunnels that were accessible and rock chip sampling from both tunnels and surface showings.

“A total of 27 channel and grab samples were taken from replacement deposits and 2 channel samples were taken from Johnnies Vein. Three zones of mineralization, Zone 1, Zone 2 and the Pit 16 zone were sampled. Zone 1 contains tunnels 8, 9, 10 and 15. Zone 2 contains tunnels 11, 12, 13 and pit 11A. The pit 16 zone contains only the pit 16 open cut.”

“The samples of Zone 1 taken at the 1,067 meter contour, at the portal of tunnel 8, gave a weighted average over 8.1 meters of 0.12% copper, 0.19% lead, 0.14% zinc, 2.56 oz/t silver and 0.014 oz/t gold.”

“The portion sampled at the portal of tunnel 8 is the southern side of the same zone sampled at the 1,052 meter contour at the No. 10 tunnel. The weighted average of 5samples taken over 10 meters at the portal of the No. 10 tunnel was 0.05% copper, 0.41% lead, 0.17% zinc, 2.63 oz/t silver and 0.016 oz/t gold.”

“The length of the zone 1 mineralization is unknown, however judging from the extent of the old workings and the gossan zone, it could have a length in excess of 200 meters.”

“Zone 2 has been sampled in tunnels 11, 12 and 13 and pit 11A. The economic section of this zone occurs in tunnel 11. The weighted average of 4 samples over 5.6 meters assayed 0.06% copper, 0.13% lead, 0.14% zinc, 2.82 oz/t silver and 0.035oz/t gold. Zone 2 appears to have a length of about 100 meters.”

“In the 3 zones of mineralization sampled to date the horizontal and vertical extent and the width of mineralization are unknown.”

AR 9736 – Over a 2 ½ month period during the Summer of 1981, Outland Resources Corp. conducted an exploration program consisting of geological mapping, sampling and diamond drilling on the property.

A total of 260 5 kg rock samples were collected and 550 meters of BQ core drilling was completed in 4 drill holes. All sulfide bearing sections of drill core were split and sampled for gold and silver assaying.

“Three holes were drilled from the first site to evaluate the silver mineralization encountered in surface sampling around the portal areas of tunnels 8, 9 and 10. A fourth hole was drilled on the west side of the hill to test for a possible extension of the mineralized zone along strike and to undercut a surface trench which exposed heavy sulfide mineralization.”

“The stratigraphy of the bedded rocks on the property was determined from primary sedimentary structures and load casts in the bedded siltstone and mudstone. No evidence of a major unconformity was found, so the rocks located structurally underneath unit 3 are considered to be stratigraphically older. The oldest rocks mapped are a series of highly altered light green, massive volcanic flows and tuffs. This predominantly volcanic unit is overlain abruptly by dark grey argillaceous sediments.”

“An important thin white felsite breccia, in a carbonate matrix, exists in this assemblage. Where the sulfide concentration is sufficient, the tuffs and sediments are pyritic and rusty weathering. The youngest bedded rocks are light grey siltstones and mudstones with common sedimentary structures. Some silty quartzite horizons are present in this sedimentary sequence. These rocks have been assigned to the lower to middle Jurassic Hazelton Group.”

“The stratified rocks on the property are foliated and were folded in a single event. The foliation orientation averages 70 to 80 SE, but northwest dipping foliation is also present. The axes of minor folds are consistently west-southwesterly trending with moderate plunge (260/30 SW). The major structure of the area is a large east-west trending syncline, based on a change in bedding attitude, tops direction and symmetry of minor folds.”

“Major faults in the area trend northeast-southwest and have a small breccia zone along fault traces. A left lateral offset of two meters involving the latest andesite dike phase was measured. A northeast trending fracture cleavage with slight right lateral offset is also locally present. This is interpreted as a conjugate fracture set to the major northeast trending faults.”

“The geologic history of the property was determined to be 1) Volcanic eruption of flows and pyroclastic material, deposition of intermediate lavas and tuffs, occasional quiescent periods resulting in deposition of black sediments, 2) Deposition of fragmental volcanics and black sulfidic sediments marking the cessation of volcanism. A single eruption of acid volcanics marked by a felsite breccia in carbonate matrix occurred at this time, 3) Deposition of clastics in a high energy environment, 4) Lithification and folding of stratified rocks and the development of foliation and fissility, 5) Intrusion of the Portland Canal dike swarm. The possible remobilization of sulfides by small convection cells may have concentrated the deposits at this time, 6) Faulting and development of fracture cleavage.”

“The minerals noted in the gossan zones are pyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite and an unidentified tungsten mineral. The mineralization occurs in veins and in zones of massive sulfides within some of the units of the sedimentary series.”

“The vein deposits generally are found to cut the sediments and oldest dikes. The strongest vein is Johnnies vein, which is exposed in tunnel 1 at an elevation of 1,232 meters. Johnnies vein has a north-northwest strike and dips to the east at 70 degrees. The vein in tunnel 6 has a width of about 60 cm on the north face and about 2 meters on the south face. Two drill holes were completed on Johnnies vein from the no 6 tunnel but the results of the drilling are unknown.”

“The vein deposits generally are found to cut the sediments and oldest dikes. The strongest vein is Johnnies vein, which is exposed in tunnel 1 at an elevation of 1,232 meters. Johnnies vein has a north-northwest strike and dips to the east at 70 degrees. The vein in tunnel 6 has a width of about 60 cm on the north face and about 2 meters on the south face. Two drill holes were completed on Johnnies vein from the no 6 tunnel but the results of the drilling are unknown.”

“The replacement deposits are lenses of sulfide mineralization that have the same strike and dip as the bedding. These deposits appear to be of volcanogenic origin and would be classified as stratabound deposits. The minerals of the ore zones are pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite, argentite and an unidentified tungsten mineral. Twenty-nine samples were assayed for WO3 and the samples contained 0.01 to 0.06% WO3.”

“The mineral zones were reported to be located within the dike rocks and not in the siltstones. However a close examination of the replacement deposits shows that they are located in pyrite-rich siltstones and mudstones and bear a close special relation to the dikes.”

“Diamond drill holes SB-81-1 and 2 were located so as to undercut the surface mineralization sampled in 1980 in the area of tunnels 8, 9 and 10. SB-81-1 intersected 7.15 meters which grades 1.95 oz/t silver approximately 5 meters below tunnel 9. Gold values ere negligible. This intersection coincides with the tunnel zones although the grade is disappointing. Undercutting hole SB-81-2 did not intersect significant silver grades. “

“Pyrite predominates with minor amounts of pyrrhotite, while chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena are rare. On surface the iron sulfides are dominant, but chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena are fairly conspicuous in dump material piled around the portal of tunnel 8. Pyrite occurs as fracture fillings of very fine dimension in a network that suggests that the host rock has been lightly crackled to produce an open structure that trapped the mineralization. In a few spots the crackling is sufficiently developed as to create an open brecciation which contains more sulfides.” “The host rock is an argillite which is generally dark grey to black and extremely fine grained. Bleaching with varying degrees of silicification is associated with these zones of mineralization with the result that the host rock is a pale creamy-grey color. The bleaching is very evident on surface through the sampled sections and the continuity of fracturing and sulfides gives the impression that a significant zone of mineralization has been outlined.”

“SB-81-3 was drilled from the same setup to evaluate the potential for strike continuity to the west. On the west side of the ridge an old cut exposes sulfides with visible amounts of chalcopyrite and galena. This zone is associated with the same dike sets running through the tunnel zone and would appear to be within the same broad zone of fracturing and mineralization. SB-81-4 was located to undercut this possible western extension. Neither holes 3 or 4 intersected significant silver values.”

“It can be concluded that sufficient work has been done on this zone to demonstrate that mineralization is confined to small pods or sections with low economic potential and no further work is justified.”

“Nothing of significance was found in the surface samples and the assay results are generally disappointing. It is evident that the many spectacular gossans on the property reflect pyritic argillite which has a background of 0.03 to 3.0 ppm silver.”

“In the detailed area where silver values ranging up to 2 oz/t were located in 1980, the Portland Canal dike swarm is a prominent feature. These dikes appear to have generated the right conditions to remobilize the silver in the sediments into structural traps created by various regional and/or local stresses. Mapping, sampling and drilling results show these zones to be localized and very limited in size. The 4 drill holes effectively cut off the mineralization both down dip and along strike.”

“There are 3 specific dike sets of which the last two have more associated sulfides. An early diorite set is barren, while the Portland Canal swarm of Eocene dikes seems more productive. A recent set of quartz porphyry dikes cut the latter swarm and appear to have produced conditions which enhanced the mineralization; either through hyrothermal addition, or remobilization of metal from the hosting sediments. Likely both processes were operative to some extent. Unfortunately ground preparation and physical-chemical conditions precluded concentration of metal in economic amounts.”

“Tunnel 15 and Johnnies vein are 2 spots which returned significant gold values, but so far exploration efforts have been directed towards evaluating the bulk silver potential, and these areas have not received sufficient attention to properly assess them. A small program could accomplish this in a short time.”

There is no public record of any further exploration work on the Silver Bar property since 1981.